Furniture: Home - by owner
Hand-Crafted Solid Wood Console Cabinet
€525.00 by 1dackel in Stuttgart, Mar 03
This European Cherry, solid wood console was purchased at Amend Woodworking store in Eschelbronn Germany. It is in an adult owned, non-smoking, no animal home. It has two wood framed glass doors which open to one large cabinet with two adjustable wood shelves. It also has one drawer mounted on top with a full length wood shelf on top. The item is very sturdy and will require a fair size vehicle to transport. We live in the Heidelberg area but work on Patch Barracks. Make plans to come by and see it, have some wine, and decide if this item is for you. Will only accept cash please. Dimensions can be provided per request. Email me at to discuss or my DSN work phone. No contents or decorations included.
Posted in: Furniture: Home - by owner.
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